Original price was: ₹1,599.00.Current price is: ₹799.00.

Key Features 

  •  20 Full-length MH-CET 2023 Mock Test series 
  • 10 Sectional tests for Logical Reasoning for MH-CET 2023
  • 10 Sectional Test for Abstract Reasoning for MH-CET 2023
  • 10 Sectional Test for Quantitative Aptitude for MH-CET 2023
  • 10 Sectional Test for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for MH-CET 2023
  • Real-time Exam Experience for MH-CET 2023
  • Detailed Performance Report from our Analysis Tool
  • Section-wise Feedbacks 
  • Personal Mentor guidance after each test 
  • Complimentary Career Counselling Service


How the Mock Test Series Will help for MH-CET 2023

  • Real-time MH-CET experience: As all our questions are totally taken by doing research of at least last 20 years of MH-CET question pattern you will get a good idea of the actual exam. The questions are also designed by our team who have 5-10 years of experience in MH-CET and other related exams. We also ensure that all the latest trends are included in the test series.
  • Detailed Section-wise Feedback: After each test, you will get personalized detailed feedback for both correct and incorrect questions in each section from our analysis tool. This will help you to analyze our preparation at the micro level for the sections and the chapters for the MH-CET syllabus.
  • Mentor Guidance: With the result of each test you can directly reach out to our mentors who will personally guide you for improvement planning depending on your score in each section.
  • Career Counselling and Motivation session: By enrolling on any of our Mock and Practice set pack you become a part of the StudyHulk Family. So we ensure that you stay motivated all time and get the right advice through our career counselling session to get admission in your dream B-School.


Detailed Description

The mock test is an important part of the preparation for any competitive exams like MH-CET. The StudyHulk Mock Test series for MH-CET 2023 is designed to ensure that you get a real-time experience of the exact exam. Our questions are designed with deep research from the past questions and recent trends of the MH-CET exam. We also have an internal analytical system to provide section-wise detailed feedback. Our system is aimed to analyze your preparation level at the micro level for every chapter and section using our Mock Test MH-CET 2023.